Canceling a order must be done over this link At that time, we will walk you through the cancellation process and close out your order.
Cancellation requests via email are also accepted but we strongly suggest the form, whenever possible, to assure your order is canceled immediately to halt shipping.
Canceling an order before the product has shipped does not charge a cancellation fee on orders closed prior to shipping. We follow up each cancellation request with a revised invoice email stating that the order is closed for your records.
Because does not charge your account until the item is shipped, we will simply close out your order upon notification.
Canceling an order after the product has shipped
In the event an order is canceled after the package has already left the warehouse, the customer will be subject to reimburse for all fees incurred during the shipping and handling process. This will include the original shipping cost, and the intercept fee from UPS, and treated as a returned item.
Reinstating a canceled order
Canceled orders can be reinstated at any time. Simply, contact a support at [email protected] representative for assistance in reactivating your order.